Core Team Members
The Founding Members and the Executive Council

Dr Aniruddha Dey
Co-Chairperson PRISM and key proponent; Founder Chairperson & Convenor of CARN-AP

Prof Sk Tawhidul Islam
Professor and Director, Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Jahangir Nagar University, Bangladesh; Co-Chairperson and Co-Convenor of CARN-AP

Dr Papiya Mazumdar
Lecturer, University of Leeds, Founder of CARN-AP

Ms Nandini Sanyal
Chairperson of The Science Connect Ltd., Founder & Jt Convenor of CARN-AP

Mr Biplab K Paul
Director NSPL, Founder & Jt Convenor of CARN-AP

Mr Swarnava Bandyopadhaya
Director BPIPL, Founder & Jt Convenor of CARN-AP

Mr Manoj Dash
CEO of the Integrated Volunteers Network (IVN), Founder of CARN-AP

Ms Divya Gupta
Associate Director – Advocacy & Government Fundraising – SEEDS and Founder of CARN-AP

Ms Shamnaz Ahmed Rumi
Consortium Coordinator of the International Rescue Committee and Founder of CARN-AP

Shahjahan Siraj
Director of Machizo Multimedia, Japan and Founder of CARN-AP

Mr Krishna Proshad Mondal
IT Officer, Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. and Founder of CARN-AP

Al Jubaer
Project Officer (ICIMOD Project), Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. and Founder of CARN-AP

Mr Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty
Senior Programme Manager, Climate Change Programme, BRAC, Bangladesh and Founder of CARN-AP

Hiru Miah
Project Officer, Science Connect Ltd., and Founder of CARN-AP

Mr Dilip Kumar Roy
Member, Social Safeguard Team, DSISC, WBDWSIP Project, North 24 Parganas; Secretary PRISM and Founder of CARN-AP

Mr. Saujan Shrestha
ICT Coordinator, CRS Nepal; Founder of CARN-AP